I took a drawloom weaving class in early June. It was awesome! Vavstuga Weaving School in Shelburne Falls Mass. What a great experience! I am weaving on "The Man Loom" which is my favorite loom of all times and one that I will purchase in just a few weeks. Look over my head and see the cords for weaving the drawloom pattern. You pull the cords down on to the bar that is just below my chin.. see the hooks.. and just treadle the pattern.. it is a blast to weave on this loom.. it is very physical and I like that! In this pic.. I was about as sick as you can get.. I had some kind of allergy going on and just over all wanna curl up in a ball sick... but.. I kept on weaving.. it eventually went away.. that must be my dad in me.. "Just keep working when you are sick.. it will go away".
Shelburne Falls is a great place.. coffee shops and used bookstores.. poetry readings.. fun fun fun!
I will share some of my treasured woven experiments..