Summers End
It is early...very very very early in the morning and the house is sleepy quiet. I am amazed at how quickly the summer days flew by everyone is preparing to go back to school and the county fairs and summers end festivals are in full gear.
The Washington County Fair was great fun this year. Oh how I remember the days of 4H projects, the spinning contests and all of the fun the girls and I had at the fair.
This year for the very first time I road the trolley and met Mr. Conductor, who gave us a great ride. I road the streetcar everyday to highschool and have tons of great trolley stories! Funny how the feel of the car moving from side to side brings back a flood of old memories.
Friday evening Jacqueline and I had dinner, ole fashion pot roast and homegrown veggies in the crock pot.. yummmmie.
Sunday... was .. mulching day... argggggg..hurray I am almost done..
I put a garden fabric down and then applied the mulch.. I am hopeful I will not see a weed in my garden for afew years.. hummmmmm?
Oh dear.. I have been jumping from quilting to knitting to weaving lately.. I am in the planning stages of each project...
Labor Day weekend marks officially that summer days are ending for 2010 and the memories are etched in our hearts and minds forever..
blessings to all