

Saturday, April 24, 2010


It is very early in the morning and the rain is gently tapping on the roof. The house is still and dark. Quiet time in April and I suppose the night time stillness provides a much needed rest during the hustle and bustle of springtime. Early mornings I hear the birds singing and the robins are busy preparing nests for baby robins. Wobbly legged lambs and calves fill the fields, a sight that continues make my heart leap with joy.
I spent the day with my daughter Samantha and she has a new beginning with a rescue dog Lucy. We drove to Ohio to pick her up from a rescue home. This sweet little dog with big brown eyes is so precious. Her life has had a rocky start but she is now in the most loving home. She has already bonded with Samantha and will not leave her side. Today, they went to the dog park and Lucy enjoyed a spring frolick through the tulips and daphadills. They are lucky to have found one another.
Spring is always a special time for me... Both Samantha and Jacqueline were born in March and with the birth of each of the girls I was a very busy Mom during the spring. The sights, sounds and smells springtime bring me back to those happy busy days that are etched in my heart. It brings me joy to see Samanatha caring for her new pup.. springtime.. a new beginning
Blessings to all

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